
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

#17 Write a Business Plan for my Future Event Planning Company

Well folks, I am back. I have so many updates to share I am not sure where to begin. 
I thought I would start with my labor of love! I completed #17 on my list and wrote a business plan for my future Event Management and Design Company. It was my FINAL grad school project (yes this means there is a post coming your way about #6 FINISH my Master’s program)

The companies name is LC Events (The L for my first name and the C for my middle name that shall not be named). Writing the business plan was a really eye opening experience. It made me think not only about my long term goals, but how long the company would need to be a “side business” before becoming a viable full time option with the ability to provide a salary I could live off of. With B starting law school in September, I quickly realized I would still need full time work and this would have to be on the side until further notice. HOWEVER I do feel like I have a great plan to put in action whenever the timing is right.

My final business plan...don't I look tired
…oh and on that note, I accepted full time work at Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Boston. While I hope one day to be able to manage my own event planning company right now I want to work full time in an organization that has amazing mentors, serves a cause I am connected to and fosters an environment of creativity and innovation. I found it all! I am sad to leave my amazing group of friends at the Museum of Science but know that I will keep in touch with many of them. I am excited for this next adventure and know it holds a lot of opportunities for me. 

This weekend I am having a “retreat” weekend with two of my best lady friends. B is coming to cheer me on at graduation on Friday and he will be joined by Robyn and Tammy (who is coming all the way from Montreal). Finishing my master’s program is a huge relief and once I am an official graduate I will write all about it since it is #6 on my list. 

I promise to be better about the blogging. I have a lot to cross off the list and time is ticking! 

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