Monday, December 31, 2012

#15 Teach a Challah Making Class

I did it! I taught a challah making class. In fact I taught two.

I think the first thing to do is explain why this was one of my 30 things. The truth is, I do not have an answer. Mostly, I love to make challah, enjoy eating challah and think everyone around me should have the same pleasures. True, my waistline may not agree with my love for making and therefore consuming challah in large quantities’, but it is comfort food, and it surely comforts me.

When I first posted my list of 30 things I wanted to do, my friend, who is a Rabbi at a large synagogue here in Brookline, decided to jump on the opportunity to have a program at her shul. So I was “hired” to teach an open class on challah making. Let me be clear, this was a class on the dough and kneading, not braiding or fancy designs to do with the dough.  In fact, if you have ever been to my house for Friday night dinner you know that I make rolls because it is easier and faster then braiding (AND in my mind helps with portion control).

Well the experience of teaching the class was fun. I did a small one for 3 friends at my house before embarking on teaching a public class at the synagogue. I do not have much to say about the one I did for friends in my own home. We hung out, made challah, drank wine, and finally ate challah. Sounds like a great night if you ask me.

The class at the synagogue was a more interesting experience. It was small. There are 5 people total. One women came in, she was older, and told me she was just there to observe – she knew how to make challah and did not need me to tell her how to do it. While I wondered why she came, I closed my mouth and moved on. I was proud of myself for that. Before long she was getting her hands dirty making dough and persisted to tell me what I did wrong. Robyn was there and did question why she was there if she as just going to tell the “teacher” how to do it. Of course, when Robyn did this it was in a polite manner and it did help me teach the class how I planned.

It was fun to teach the class and watch people indulge in my favorite food, challah. Want the recipe? Well that my secret – you will have to come to my next class.  

Anyways, I did it.  I can cross # 15 off the list. 

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